My most poignant inspiration to support others going through changes, facing the unknown, facing medical problems, disability, ensuing depletion, and burnout came from my own life experiences. I became inspired by my own journey through the landscapes of illness and caregiving that ultimately lead me to authenticity and renewal.
It integrated and complemented my professional training when I faced challenges myself.
When my husband had a terrible stroke at a relatively young age, I feared that he would likely spend the rest of his life in a vegetative state. He was in a coma and was paralyzed for several months, unable to move without the wheelchair. We were facing the unknown and our whole world shattered. Overnight I became a caregiver…while working full time.
Slowly burning out….
Prior to that and at the same time I have been experiencing my own health struggles due to Ehlers-Danlos - Syndrome. I experienced challenges with navigating through the medical landscapes to find the proper diagnosis and an effective treatment. For both of us. All of us….
The journey through medical landscapes inspired me to learn more about the mind-heart-body continuum. Therefore, I embarked on journey of learning the scientific, medical bases for health and wellness. I also embarked on the exploration of psyche-spiritual bases of illness and health.
When my husband and I travailed through the medical trauma, we faced not only an enormous shift in our lifestyle but also an overnight shift in our identities.
My journey back to wellness revealed vast internal reserves. I embraced the change and welcomed the unknown. I learned that humans have a capability for inner strength, focus, gratitude, and adaptation. People are equipped to have the potential of changing perceptions, and embracing change, and possibilities that come with it. My life learning experiences coupled with professional training showed me that we have the resilience, elements of authentic inspiration, and possibility of openness to change when experiencing challenges.
I learned from the experiences of caregiving, burnout, and health struggles about the healing power of creativity, divergent thinking, adaptation, and aligning with one’s authentic self. These healing elements manifest within the connective fibers of our minds, emotions, and body, thus being the spring of wellness. This inspired me to support others who have similar experiences. Therefore, I am here to help you through the challenges of caregiving, loss, illness, disability, professional burnout, and when facing the unknown.
My professional experience working with varied-style, diverse, and neurodiverse learners equipped me to provide an individualized support through the journey of self-discovery. To serve others to the best of the ability, I aspire to combine creative, as well as evidence-based approaches rooted in my professional skills, training and knowledge.
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